Cereals and pulses and related products

Description: The level of cereals and pulses consumption is ranked among the highest in Rwanda. Cereals and pulses and their derived products are easily contaminated by mycotoxins, which are carcinogenic in nature. These standards require farmers, processors and handlers to follow good practices that reduce the level of contaminants at acceptable level and that allow produce sound and safe product to the consumer.

Commodity: RICE / UMUCERI

Import Location: Rwanda

Export Location: Kenya

Trade Operation: Import Trade

Standard Specifications

More Information about Rice standards

Specification Type: Rwanda Standards Board - RSB

To understand more about rice standards and specifications, type the following specification into a search engine (Google, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, etc.) or copy and paste the URL below to open pdf -RS EAS 128 Milled Rice ▬ Specification download pdf: https://law.resource.org/pub/eac/ibr/eas.128.2011.pdf

Packaging Rice Standards

Specification Type: Rwanda Standards Board - RSB

Milled rice shall be packed in suitable packages which shall be clean, sound, free from insect, fungal infestation and the packing material shall be of food grade quality. Milled rice shall be packed in containers which will safeguard the hygienic, nutritional, technological and organoleptic qualities of the products. The containers, including packaging material, shall be made of substances which are safe and suitable for their intended use. Read More: -RS EAS 128 Milled Rice ▬ Specification

Rice Higiene Standards

Specification Type: Rwanda Standards Board - RSB

Milled rice shall be produced, prepared and handled in accordance with the provisions of appropriate sections of EAS 39 When tested by appropriate standards of sampling and examination listed in Clause 2, the products: ⎯ shall be free from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a hazard to health ⎯ shall be free from parasites which may represent a hazard to health ⎯ shall not contain any substance originating from microorganisms

Rice Standards

Specification Type: Rwanda Standards Board - RSB

The rough or brown rice from which the milled rice is obtained shall be of sound quality, free from sand, have characteristic odour and flavour complying with the relevant East African Standards a) shall be the dried mature grains of edible Oryza spp; b) shall be clean, wholesome, uniform in size, colour and shape; c) shall be safe and suitable for human consumption; d) shall be free from abnormal flavours, musty, sour or other undesireable odour, obnoxious smell and discolouration;

Milled Rice Variety standards

Specification Type: Rwanda Standards Board - RSB

Variety 1) Long grain milled rice shall consist of milled rice which contains more than 25.0 percent of whole kernels of milled rice and in Grades 1 through 4 not more than 10.0 percent of whole or broken kernels of medium or short grain rice. (2) Medium grain milled rice shall consist of milled rice which contains more than 25.0 percent .......