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Regulatory Agencies

Your business activities are subjected on regulatory agencies. On this section you will information and contact details of different regulatory agencies that regulate and supervise different sectors.

Rwanda Revenue Authority(RRA)

RRA mobilizes revenue for economic development through efficient and equitable services that promote business growth.

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RMB is the Government of Rwanda body responsible for implementing and advising the government on issues related national policies, laws and strategies related to mines, petroleum and gas. It is also mandated to monitor and coordinate the implementation of strategies related to mines, petroleum and gas.

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National Agriculture Export Development Board (NAEB)

NAEB facilitates the growth of businesses to diversify agriculture and livestock commodity through export revenues

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National Cyber Security Authority (NCSA)

NCSA coordinates national cybersecurity functions across the private and public sectors to ensure the security and resilience of Rwanda's ICT ecosystem. NCSA also promotes national education programs, fostering awareness of cybersecurity best practices amongst the Rwandan population.

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Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources(MINAGRI)

The Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) has the mission of promoting the sustainable development of a modern, efficient and competitive agriculture and livestock sector, in order to ensure food security, agriculture export and diversification of the productions for the benefit of the farmer and the economy of the Country.

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Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM)

MINICOM facilitate Rwanda’s economic transformation through enabling a competitive private sector integrated into regional and global markets, while ensuring a level playing field and the protection of consumers.

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Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency (RURA)

RURA promotes free and fair competition, protects the rights of consumers and balances the interests of all stakeholders.

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Rwanda Development Board(RDB)

RDB’s mission is to accelerate economic development by enabling private sector growth

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Rwanda Food and Drug Authority(FDA)

FDA regulates medical products, processed foods, household products, and tobacco products to ensure quality and safety so as to protect the population of Rwanda from falsified and substandard products

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